On January 13th 2018, a group of friends got together and started playing 13th Age, a tabletop rpg made by Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet. This monthly game was unusual for two reasons:
1: We had four dungeon masters: most parties have a hard time finding one DM, but our party was lucky enough to have four willing to step up to bat. This allowed the DMs to rotate out and enjoy both sides of the screen
2: The number of players at the table exploded, with the most in one session being thirteen. Most of which had never played tabletop, nevermind a video game or even seen Lord of the Rings
As with any good tabletop campaign, the party made some great memories and together they continue to build upon a story, based in the enticing Dragon Empire, the default setting of 13th age.
My name is Cayla Sander and I am one of the four DM’s for this game. I also happen to be an artist, so in the summer of 2018 I began to draw a series of strips based on our adventures. These were mostly posted on social media, but with the Open Gaming License, I was allowed to write about the rules, but not really the setting, at least not officially. So much of our adventure is integrated into the amazing world of the Dragon Empire and I knew that re-skinning things to prevent copyright issues if I were to create a site like this, would kind of take away a bunch of the heart and our experience.
One day, one of our party jokingly suggested I reach out to the creators to see if I could get permission to do such a thing. It was a total whim, but I did… and well here we are!
I’m so happy to finally be launching this and sharing our adventure with the world. I hope you find as many laughs, tears and wonder in this world as we continue to do.
And I would like to give a huge and very special thank you to Wade Rockett and Rob Heinsoo, without whom none of these would’ve ever been possible
About the Artist
My name is Cayla Sander, but you may know as Kiranox, depending on where you know me from. I’ve been an artist my entire life and comics have always been a passion. This is actually my second webcomic and you can check out my main comic here: https://blackburncomic.com/
I live in Vancouver Canada and when I’m not drawing, I’m working on a tabletop podcast with some friends (all of which have been a part of this game at one time or another (Dungeon Master’s Test Kitchen)), cosplaying, playing video games, writing or playing with my cat, Thor.
If you’d like to support me on this crazy endeavor please check out my patreon!
If you’re interested in keeping tabs about what’s new with me check out the links below, but the best way to reach me is through my twitter!
Art | Personal | Cosplay | DM’s Test Kitchen |
– Instagram – DeviantArt – Patreon – Tumblr | – Instagram | – Instagram – Tumblr | – Website – Podbean |